Advisory service
Get peace-of-mind with trusted advice from CERT Australia
We keep abreast of the latest research, legislative changes and international best-practice so you don’t have to! That gives you assurance that our advice is benchmarked against the most up to date models and thinking available.

We also offer advice, design and development services for regulatory frameworks and staff career pathways.
Our experienced specialists will work with you to take the guesswork out of identifying areas for improvement and prioritising remedial activity. Every workplace is different, so we begin by listening carefully before recommending the most beneficial approach for your needs.
Our expertise covers
- Whole of workforce safety reviews
- Integration of new safety equipment such as Radio systems or OC spray
- Policy and SOP reviews benchmarked against local, state or international best-practice
- Training and Assessment Strategies for staff safety training
- Gear and equipment recommendations to meet specific safety needs
- Training plans for specialist needs such as surveillance or high risk search warrant squads

Interested in our advisory service?
Please let us know how we can help.